IDE Imports Part 8 - Java Mirror With Eclipse

IDE Imports Part 8 - Java Mirror with Eclipse

This is the eighth of a series of posts discussing how to get Google Glass Mirror (Java) and GDK projects set up in various IDEs.

One of the most common questions that I get from people during workshops is how to get set up either the Mirror quick start, or the GDK project into Eclipse, Android Studio or IntelliJ.

This post will cover importing the Java Mirror Quick Start project into Eclipse.

0. Clone from GitHub

See previous post.

1. Install m2e plugin in Eclipse

  • Visit the m2e project site
  • Go to the Downloads section
  • Copy the latest m2e release URL
  • In Eclipse, go to Help -> Install Software
  • Paste the m2e link into the bar, hit ‘enter’ and give it a name, like m2e
  • Select the packages that come up when it loads
  • Install the m2e packages
  • Accept the license
  • Restart Eclipse

2. Import Project

File -> Import Project -> Maven -> Existing Maven Project

3. Hit 'Next’ a few times

Then 'Finish’ and you’ll be done with that.

4. Update the file

I previously made a video with instructions on this. Google has also posted instructions for getting OAuth set up.

5. Fire up a terminal

Run the following from the root of the project:

$ mvn install
$ mvn jetty:run

6. Finished!

You’re all done!